Your unique map exists at:
Welcome! This tool will allow you to customize an interactive HTML5 World Map very quickly using an Excel-like interface. Your map is automatically saved as you edit it. You can come back to your map at any time if you copy down the page's url or bookmark this page.
Get Started!Already have a mapdata.js file? Upload it now.
Note: This upload tool will work with Chrome or Firefox.
Create regions below. The first row should contain numbers starting with 0. Underneath each number, type the name for the region. In the remainder of the column, list the two-letter state abbreviations you want in that region. When you are done click:
Create Regions
Make advanced edits to the map by editing the code directly. Click on the button to the right to push changes to the map. Don't worry about making mistakes! The tool will let you know if there is an error. When editing, CTRL-S or CMD-S will save your changes and update the map.
Create an interactive heat map with this tool. Enter your data. Choose a base color and other settings and click "Refresh Map" when you are ready. Use the # symbol to reference data in descriptions.
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Deprecated Maps: Flash USA Map | Flash World Map | Flash Canada Map | Flash Europe Map | Flash Congress Map
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