
Visualize Statistics | Documentation

Our interactive map customization tool makes it easy to visualize state and country level statistics quickly and easily.  To create your own interactive heat map, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new map using our online tools:

  2. Go to the "Settings" tab and click "Visualize Data":

  3. Enter or paste the data values in for each state/country.

    Tip: You can copy the data table, paste it into Excel, manipulate the data in Excel, and then paste the results back into the online spreadsheet when you are done.

  4. Choose the base color for the heat map as well as the settings for how you want observations sorted.  These settings can always be changed later.  Then click "Refresh Map".

  5. Your heat map will appear:

  6. You can reference the data when you edit the state/country description.  Simply use the # symbol in the description, and the map tool will replace the # with the data value.

  7. To get the map key, click on "Get HTML for Key" and copy the code in the text box.  You can then paste this into your webpage where you are installing the map.

We've also put together a screencast to walk you though this process:

HTML5 Map Documentation v3.2

The current version is 3.2. Older docs: 3.0, 2.9
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