
WordPress Installation | Documentation

Our maps are compatible with WordPress. However, because WordPress is a content management system that dynamically creates pages from a database, installation is a little more complicated. You can either follow our manual instructions or use our WordPress plugin to install the map. The WordPress plugin is easier to use. However, the manual method gives you more control and works with multiple maps.

First, choose the map you want to install

WordPress Plugin (Option A)

  1. Download the latest version of our WordPress plugin

  2. Upload the plugin to your plugin directory
    interactive-maps should be uploaded to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

  4. Click on Interactive Maps in your WordPress Settings

  5. Upload the files
    Using the plugin, upload the worldmap.js and mapdata.js files

  6. Paste [simplemaps] into the post/page where you want the map to be located
    This shortcode will be replaced by the plugin with your map when you publish/preview the post.

  7. Publish/preview your post and your map should be visible

Manual Instructions (Option B)

  1. Upload the files to your server
    Upload the worldmap.js and mapdata.js files and the map_images folder to your server. You can do this using an FTP client. If you have not done this before, your web host should be able to provide you with instuctions. Since these are script files, you cannot use WordPress to upload them like you would an image in a blog post.

  2. Copy down the urls where you uploaded these files
    Copy down the urls where you have uploaded the worldmap.js and mapdata.js files. For example, the urls might look something like and If you uploaded the files properly, navigating to these urls in the browser should display JavaScript code.

  3. Log in to WordPress and create a new post

  4. Click on the "HTML" or "Text" tab

  5. Paste the following code where you want the map to appear
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <div id="map"></div>
    where and are the urls you saved in Step 2.

  6. Immediately, save and publish the map

  7. Warning: Using the visual editor will strip your scripts
  8. Unfortunately, any use of the visual editor will strip out the scripts you just pasted in. To get around this problem, you can do one of the following:

    • Wait until you are all done editing a post before pasting in the map
    • Disable the visual editor ("Users" --> "Your Profile" --> "Disable the visual editor when writing")
    • Use a plugin to turn off the global filter (try this one)
    • Use our WordPress plugin (Option A) instead

HTML5 Map Documentation v3.2

The current version is 3.2. Older docs: 3.0, 2.9
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